We have written several articles on pulling stats from various locations and integrating them. Well, Agatha has been busy, and finally got her desktop integrated. Here is a snapshot of Agatha’s desktop using these techniques:
Click for a larger image
The trick to creating this desktop is to use gozer to create images from the text files, and use the composite command from ImageMagick to combine the images. Notice on the left/center you can see incoming mail. This is done by the command grep ^From: /var/spool/mail/user. The text at the top was generated by a similar program to the one in this article. The text on the right was generated by output from a program discussed in this article. We are monitoring srv-3, one of our lab boxes. The stuff at the bottom left was generated by output from a program discussed in this article. The terminal program used for this is Eterm. We discuss Eterm in this article and this article.
You may want to use nice to lower the priority when the cron job kicks off to update the desktop. The composite command can take quite a bit of CPU power.