We have written about Cygwin in past articles. This article will focus on getting Xterm to run on Windows. Xterm emulation works. Resize during a session? No problem. Unix style cut and pastes? Sure. The catch is you have to run X on your Windows box… heh, heh. First, install Cygwin, then copy the binaries […]
Xterm on Windows
Authenticating Windows 2000/XP Clients With LDAP using pGina
One extremely cool programming project that you should check out is pGina. pGina replaces the authentication module on Windows 2000 and XP clients so that they can authenticate via SSL with an LDAP server. Further, pGina uses authentication plugins, so over time other methods can be used as interest determines them. The author was published […]
Running a GNU/Linux Distribution on Mac OS X using Bochs – Part 1
There are 3 parts to this article: Part1 – Part2 – Part3 We sometimes need a real GNU/Linux system to fiddle with, even when we are on our Mac. It is useful to test out configurations, etc. Bochs works well as an emulator. Slow, but it is free. What to install for the GNU/Linux system, […]
Running a GNU/Linux Distribution on Mac OS X using Bochs – Part 2
There are 3 parts to this article: Part1 – Part2 – Part3 DSL comes with Lilo, and that suits us fine. We need to remove grub and copy linux24 to /boot on the new partition. We didn’t need minirt24.gz, but weren’t sure. You may want to copy it over just in case: We want to […]
Running a GNU/Linux Distribution on Mac OS X using Bochs – Part 3
There are 3 parts to this article: Part1 – Part2 – Part3 Here is what the hardware is looking like on our boot from our hard disk image: This /etc/fstab file worked for us: The next boot went well: Here are the /etc/init.d srcripts that we removed to make booting tolerable: Now, these automagic scripts […]
Creating a Disk Image for Bochs
Bochs is an open source PC (x86) emulator that runs on a variety of platforms, including GNU/Linux and Mac OS X. One of the first things that you need to do to get started is to create a disk image. There is a utility that comes with Bochs, that does much of the work for […]
Migrating From VMware to Bochs
There is a utility that will allow you to mount your VMware vmdk images here: www.vmware.com/download/ws/ We used VMware-mount-5.0.0-13124.exe: C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware DiskMount Utility>vmware-mount w: s:\usr-2\d.vmdk C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware DiskMount Utility>dir w: Volume in drive W has no label. Volume Serial Number is 3344-0E04 Directory of W:\ 08/24/1996 11:11a 93,812 COMMAND.COM 04/07/2004 06:48a 0 CONFIG.SYS 04/05/2004 07:28a […]
Emulators for Mac OS X
We have always used Bochs in the past as our free emulator of choice. Bochs for OS X is very, very slow. Unreasonably so. There is another emulator project, though, QEMU that works much better. The speed seems five times faster on our particular O/S we boot in the emulator. It is actually usable without […]
Using a Full Desktop with VNC
We’ve run into problems remotely running some applications via X. Even when the app runs OK, it is quite sluggish. We also had trouble running in secondary X sessions, which is the default behavior of vncserver. Most apps acted just fine; however, some apps got confused about what desktop to use. We tried VNC, though, […]
A is for at
The at command is your willing and punctual servant for odd jobs, reminders and one-offs. A more footloose sibling of steadfast cron, at is used to schedule a task to run once at a given time. Then all is forgotten. The following examples and file paths are true for Red Hat Linux, and more or […]
B is for bash
Bash is a huge subject! The purpose of this article is demonstrate & explain some of the basics so you can write shell scripts and work at the command line more effectively. See also our article on Aliases and Functions in bash for ways to customize your environment. I recommend highly the bash man page!!! […]
C is for ch ch ch changes….
C is an extremely useful letter of the alphabet in Linux, especially when paired with an h. With these letters one can chown, chmod, chroot, and change lots of other things. One can even chkconfig. ***************************** chown – change ownership of a file. ***************************** Nothing too exciting to report here, but there are a couple […]
D is for df, du, dd
These three classic Unix utilities like to get their hands dirty with file systems. **************************************************** df – display disk space usage on mounted filesystems **************************************************** Every newbie sysadmin learns df right off the bat; it displays mounted file systems and the disk space usage on each. By default (in linux) it displays the statistics as […]
E is for Ext3fs Part 1
The ext3 filesystem now installs as the default file system in most Linux distributions. Essentially ext2 with journaling, ext3 retains the stability and robustness of ext2 while adding the much needed journal for high-availability. Part 1 of this article will discuss some filesystem basics and Part 2, some tips for working with the Linux native […]
E is for Ext3fs Part 2
In Part 1 of this article, we discussed some basics of the ext* filesystems in Linux. In this section we’ll have some good old filesystem fun. The most commonly used tools for working with Linux filesystems are mke2fs (create ext2/ext3 filesystem), tune2fs (adjust filesystem parameters) and e2fsck (check and repair filesystem.) ADD JOURNAL TO EXT2 […]
F is for Find
One-liners illustrating the use of the find command abound on the world wide web. The command’s operation is straight forward, but it has so many options that the man page always makes for fascinating reading. The find command is your friend whenever you need to *find* files based on name, size, file type, creation/access/modification time, […]
G is for grep
Like using the word “grok” in conversation, saying “grep” out loud brands you a SuperGeek, at least in the mundane reckoning of members of the “normal” population. They don’t understand that grep is simply an odd concatenation of the phrase “grab regular expression”; and even if they did know, it would mean nothing to them. […]
H is for Head, Tail, or Split the Difference
Head, tail and split are three of the most commonly used utilities on GNU/Linux systems for the manipulation of text files. They are tiny, sharp, and all possess some handy options of which even the experienced user may be unaware. Head returns the first lines of a file or standard input. By default, it outputs […]
Using MSInfo
Do check out msinfo32.exe. Virtually everything that you would want to know about the system configuration of a Windows machine will be revealed with this command. Msinfo32.exe is located under /Program Files/Common Files/Microsoft Shared/MSInfo (at least on our system). If you wish to dump the report to a file, use: msinfo32 /report reportname.txt It takes […]
Automated Log Monitoring with LogSentry and a Central Syslog Server
Part One: Installing and Configuring LogSentry by Urbana Der Ga’had If you haven’t automated the monitoring of your system logs, you’re flying blind. By proactively identifying hardware failures, unusual patterns of user behavior, and intrusion attempts, you can often solve problems before they become painful. festering. scars that won’t heal. Oh yes! In Part One […]