We have a number of utility computers running that are based on uClibc. Every time we rebuild the devices, we have to basically create a new distribution. It appears that the Debian packages are no longer being maintained. That is OK, though, because we have figured out most of the tricks to getting this to […]
A Small GNU/Linux System – Revisited
Running GTK Apps Without X
Check out the GTK on DirectFB project, if running an app like the GIMP without X11 excites you. DirectFB uses the framebuffer device in the Linux kernel, and can replace X as a “Window System”, or at least, the basic parts of one. The fact that an app as complicated as the GIMP can run […]
Openbravo ERP – Initial VM Evaluation
Openbravo is an Open Source web-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. The license is a variation of the Mozilla Public License. The Openbravo project is very popular and has more than 100 employees. The management team has an impressive lineup, including Cees Poortman who was the Managing Director of Navision Netherlands, Director for Microsoft Business […]
REALbasic: The PC is the Computer
REALbasic creates a single machine code executable that will run on Older Macs, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux, and Microsoft Windows systems from 98 on. There is no requirement to install a bunch of DLLs, so the target system has fewer side effects to worry about. Certainly rollback is quite clear. Further, you don’t need a […]
Using Regular Expressions With REALbasic
Here is a bit of code from Mountain Climbing Journal that combines an if statement and regular expressions to match an image and display it: if left(me.SelText,9)=”<img src=” AND Keyboard.AsyncControlKey=TRUE then dim rg as new RegEx dim match as RegExMatch dim f as folderItem dim imgsrc as string if instr(me.SelText,”/”) <> 0 then rg.SearchPattern=”<img src=”+chr(34)+”\S*/(\w+\.\w+)”+chr(34)+”>$” […]
Binding EditFields to a Multi-Column ListBox
If you have a ListBox with multiple columns and want to bind EditFields to the columns so that when you select a row with a mouse click or with arrows the EditFields match the columns in the ListBox, then use the change event for the ListBox and assign the EditFields. For instance, for a ListBox […]
Free Database Tools for Linux – Part One: TOra
If you work with commercial databases Oracle or Microsoft SQLServer, there’s a couple of free tools you ought to know about. For Oracle admins, users, and developers, there’s TOra, the Toolkit for Oracle. By our estimation, it’s as good as TOAD and free is a VERY good price. TOra runs on Linux, Solaris, and Windows. […]
Free Database Tools for Linux – Part Two: SQSH
I ran across SQSH when I was building the Perl DBD:Sybase module to connect to MS SQLServer databases for monitoring purposes. Both SQSH and DBD:Sybase can use a set of free libraries to connect to SQLServer instead of the Sybase client libraries. I thought this was pretty darn cool. I also thought it was cool […]
Copying Table Structures With MySQL
We often have to get basic tables in place for our MySQL web backend. To create a new database: [root@main gg]# mysql -p Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 8374 to server version: 3.23.54 Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type ‘\c’ to […]
Creating a Database With MySQL
Let’s say we want to track our servers using a database instead of those nasty spreadsheets that many of us use. MySQL is a pretty simple and cheap way to get started. We are going to use a blank root password in these examples to ease typing, however, you should change the root password following […]
Importing Spreadsheets Into MySQL
In this article, we created a database in MySQL, as well as a sample table called systemsdoc. This article is for you screwheads that still document your systems with Excel spreadsheets. Eventually, we will show you how to run reports and update the database via customized web pages. First, though, we need to get the […]
Getting phpMyAdmin to Work With Gentoo
We emerged Apache to start, and noticed that PHP didn’t work correctly. Kinda makes sense, but ya gotta start somewhere. We’ve relied on RPMs in the past, as in this article. There are some gotchas. Agatha’s Gentoo workstation is a year old or so, now, so emerge mod_php and emerge phpmyadmin didn’t quite work as […]
Adding Records to MySQL Databases With HTML/PHP
In this article, we loaded up our new MySQL database with data. Adding records from a CLI tool is a bit cumbersome. PHP is a great way to add records to a MySQL database. For more information on PHP, see our articles here. The first step in using PHP is to set up the database […]
Updating Records in MySQL Databases With HTML/PHP
In this article we added a record to our systems database. We made a mistake, though, and would like to update the record so that the date is correct. Here is the current date: mysql> select manu, model, deploy_date, sernum, sysversion from systemsdoc -> where UID=8; +—————–+———+————-+——–+————–+ | manu | model | deploy_date | sernum […]
Deleting Records in MySQL Databases With HTML/PHP
In this article, we updated a troubling record. Well, let’s just delete the whole record. In fact, let’s delete the record with HTML and PHP!! Easy as pie. First we need a little HTML: <html> <head> <title>SystemsDoc Delete</title> </head> <body bgcolor=”white”> <form method=”POST” action=”sysdocdelete.php”> <table> <col span=”1″ align=”right”> <tr> <td><font color=”blue”>UID to delete:</font></td> <td><input type=”text” […]
Creating Sorted Reports For MySQL Databases With HTML/PHP
Do you have a fondness for greenbar? Well, here is a report that alternates colors in a similar fashion. Woohoo!! Greenbar!!! See this article for details on the database we are running the report against, and our other articles on HTML/PHP. A book we like that really helped us is Web Database Applications with PHP […]
PostgreSQL Initial Install
PostgreSql is an Open Source project with a BSD license. It is a mature and stable database with transactions, stored procedures, and rollback. PostgreSQL is available for win32;however, we will be compiling and installing this on a GNU/Linux system. First, let’s grab the source from here and decompress: root@srv-1 src # tar -xjf postgresql-8.0.0beta1.tar.bz2 root@srv-1 […]
Using pgAdmin to Administer PostgreSQL
In this article, we compiled and installed PostgreSQL. PgAdmin is a development and administration tool for PostgreSQL that runs under GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, and Windows 2000/XP. We decided to try one of the Slackware beta snapshots available here. Agatha is running Gentoo on her main workstation, and our best guess was that the Slackware binary would […]
Adding an Auto Increment Field with MySQL
If you need to add an auto increment field to a MySQL table, you can use the mysql command to do this: $ mysql -p Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 622439 to server version: 4.0.22-standard Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type […]
Backing Up All MySQL Databases
To back up all databases on a particular server, use the mysqldump command: $ mysqldump –all-databases -p | bzip2 -c > databasebackup.sql.bz2 Enter password: $ This will put all of the databases in a compressed bzip2 file. Transfer the file to your other server and decompress: $ bzip2 -d databasebackup.sql.bz2 $ ls data*.sql databasebackup.sql $ […]