We had trouble with a CD automatically mounting, so we had to dig in a bit to mount the CD manually. First we ascertained that the cd was on the same controller as the internal HDD, so listing the devices on controller 0. # ls /dev/dsk/c0* /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /dev/dsk/c0t10d0s6 /dev/dsk/c0t12d0s4 /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2 /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1 /dev/dsk/c0t10d0s7 /dev/dsk/c0t12d0s5 /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s3 /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s2 […]
Manually Mounting a CDROM on Solaris
Configuring IP address Manually on Solaris
We have an Ultra2 box that is hooked up to a serial console that screws up the format when trying to edit files. It is much easier to use an xterm session over the network, rather than rely on the configuration of our serial console/terminal. Anyway, since we were trying to edit files that set […]
Getting the Solaris Management Console to Run Remotely
We have a fresh install of Solaris 9 that we are administering. Agatha is a wuss, and wants to use the Solaris Management Console. To do this, we set up X forwarding via SSH. First, we need to change the default sshd config: # vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config Find this line and change it: X11Forwarding yes If […]
Adding Hard Disks to Older SPARC systems
On some older SPARC systems, like ours, if you add disks to the system, it won’t automatically detect the drives. For instance, we have added drives via a StorEdge external drive box. If we look at the output of dmesg: # dmesg | grep sd Dec 20 08:01:33 srv-50 scsi: [ID 193665 kern.info] sd0 at […]
Setting up an NFS Server on Solaris
Solaris 9 comes with an NFS server. The first step is to edit the /etc/dfs/dfstab file. We just added this entry: share -F nfs -o rw=srv-1 -d “share” /share Start the server: # /etc/init.d/nfs.server start On the client side: root@srv-1 u-1 # mount -t nfs srv-50:/share /share2 root@srv-1 u-1 # ls /share2 lost+found tmp root@srv-1 […]
Disabling Power Management on Solaris
We have a Sun box that displays “Saving system state… Please wait…” overnight. Well, this is the power management kicking in. Not happy with servers, so we need to disable this. The behavior of the power management service is set in /etc/power.conf. We can disable the automatic shutdown by editing this file. Change: autoshutdown 30 […]
Enabling SSH on a Minimal Solaris 10 Install
If you need to manage a Solaris 10 box with a minimal install, and SSH is not available, you can install it off of the 2nd CD. Rather than figure out the path to your CDROM (see this article), it was easier in our case to just tar up the needed packages and FTP them […]
Using uClibc For Control Systems
We wrote about keylogging in this article, and used gcc and Linux to intercept and decode a key push via the parallel port. We have also written in the past about various homebrew projects where a limited development system would be very useful. The perfect platform for many of these projects is discarded PCs that […]
Bringing Up a uClibc System
We wrote abut uClibc in this article. In this article we will build an entire Linux system using uClibc that has gcc, system utilities, a 2.4.20 kernel, and uses less than 63 megs total for the entire system. The intent is for us to write homebrew articles on a stable system that can run with […]
Moving a uClibc System to Zip
In this article, we built up a uClibc system. In this article, we will transfer the filesystem to a 100 meg zip disk. What this means is that if you have an old parallel port zip drive laying around, you can bring up a development system running Linux without touching your hard drive. There are […]
GIAGD: More Fun / Introduction
There is a new section on NetAdminTools, now, called GIAGD. In this section we will configure a system based on uClibc. Now, we aren’t planning on updating the system beyond what is needed, so we will probably be staying with the uClibc root filesystem as of March 01, 2003. There are newer versions out there, […]
Startup Scripts for Housey
Housey is hooked up to the 8048 dev system. Housey wasn’t very smart at startup, so I added some init scripts. uClibc uses System V init, which means (among other things) that S scripts in /etc/init.d are executed in ASCII order. So, S10 runs before S20. I put two scripts in /etc/init.d. In S40net I […]
Creating Filesystems On Hdc
The default uClibc install doesn’t have hdc devices. You can’t make an ext3 filesystem or use fdisk either, for that matter. The first task is to create the hdc devices using mknod: mknod hdc b 22 0 mknod hdc1 b 22 1 mknod hdc2 b 22 2 mknod hdc3 b 22 3 Not too painful. […]
Video for Crackers
Now, you could consider this an article about how to set up a web cam using GNU/Linux or something… Naw… We want to write a story involving chickens. Crackers is Agatha’s new GIAGD machine that she uses to put up pictures of the chickens living in her moveable chicken coop. We bought a used SE440BX-2 […]
The uClibc dev system includes SSHD, but you need to set up host keys in /etc first: [root@crackers /]# ssh-keygen -t dsa -f /etc/ssh_host_dsa_key Generating public/private dsa key pair. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /etc/ssh_host_dsa_key. Your public kkey has been saved in /etc/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub. The […]
New GIAGD distribution
For more information on the fabulous furry GIAGD fun, see this article. I revisited this, because there is a new root filesystem available at uclibc that includes perl and ssh. I nosed around for new versions of the extra source code I needed to get housey to boot. Here are some links: Lilo NASM GPM […]
Debian on a USBCard — Part 1 – Creating the filesystem
We have used our GIAGD distribution for our various utility computers that run stuff like our 8048 dev system and our chicken cam. It is a bit of a pain to maintain our own distribution based on uClibc; however, there is a fabulous new development. You can now get a port of Debian woody compiled […]
Debian on a USBCard — Part 2 – Transferring the Filesystem
In this article we discussed the Debian port to uClibc, and we created an ext3 filesystem on a USBCard. Now, we need to transfer the filesystem from the tarball to the USBCard. First, let’s mount our newly created filesystem: root@srv-1 / # mount -t ext3 /dev/sdc1 /mnt root@srv-1 / # mount /dev/hda3 on / type […]
Debian on a USBCard — Part 3 – Compiling the Kernel
In this article we transferred the filesystem to our UBCard. Now, we need to create a kernel. Before we create our kernel, though, we need to know what options to compile in. We are starting with our GIAGD .config from this article. Now, we are using VMware to bring this filesystem up. Since we don’t […]
Debian on a USBCard — Part 4 – Final Configuration
In this article we created a kernel for our USBCard system. Once we have the kernel in place we need to run lilo and adjust some other configuration files. To do this, just boot off of the Superrescue CD again and: mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt chroot /mnt Now, we can edit /etc/lilo.conf: boot = […]