Tomcat is part of the Apache Project. Tomcat, which is free and open-source, can serve up JavaServer Pages (JSP). For more info on this, see J2EE JavaServer Pages Technology. The JavaServer Pages FAQ is here. We were a bit lazy, and grabbed a binary from here. Make sure you have Java installed. We installed Java […]
Installing Tomcat
Creating a JavaServer Pages Application
In this article we installed Tomcat so that we could serve JavaServer Pages (JSP). JSP is pretty easy to start off with, since you merely add the script parts to regular HTML, much like PHP. For instance, we could call this HTML hellow.jsp: <html> <body> Hello </body> </html> If we browse to our JSP server, […]
Setting up Initial Tomcat Administration
There are a couple web-based administration tools that come with Tomcat, but you have to set up the admin and manager access first. This is done by adding a line to tomcat-users.xml: [root@srv-1 conf]# pwd /opt/tomcat/conf [root@srv-1 conf]# vi tomcat-users.xml Add the line with admin,manager in it: <?xml version=’1.0′ encoding=’utf-8′?> <tomcat-users> <role rolename=”tomcat”/> <role rolename=”role1″/> […]
Compiling Java Telnet (jta25b)
There is an applet that can be used to serve up telnet sessions via a Java applet at Note that this site is often down, although it is the current main site. There is an older version available here. Now, we have been trying to use this to provide a web interface for a […]
Upgrading Tomcat
In our article on installing Tomcat, we used version 5.0.18. Well, it has been awhile, and we want to upgrade our system. First, we download the new binary from here. On our system, we put this all in opt. Let’s remove the old symbolic link and extract the tarball: [root@srv-1 opt]# rm tomcat rm: remove […]
Using Whois With PHP
If you would like to provide whois queries via PHP, a good package to use is available here. An example script that uses this package is: <?php include(“whois/main.whois”); $whois = new Whois($_GET[‘query’]); $result = $whois->Lookup(); echo “<pre>”; for($i=0;$i<count($result[rawdata]);$i++) { $row = each($result[rawdata]); echo $row[“value”].”\n”; } echo “</pre>”; ?> The query variable is arbitrary. You can […]
Adding Modules to httpd.conf With Apache 2
We recently converted from a source version of Apache 2 to an RPM version. We wanted all of the PHP/MySQL stuff compiled in and working quickly. Yes, we were very lazy. Now, we tried to use our old httpd.conf file; however, since the compiled version had many of the options built in, our httpd.conf file […]
Installing XAMPP on a Minimal System
What would you say if I told you that you could bring up a system that provided LAMP with two files: [usr-1@srv-1 Desktop]$ ls -l total 127720 -rw-rw-r– 1 usr-1 usr-1 88861055 Jul 2 03:37 stage3-i686-2004.3.tar.bz2 -rw-rw-r– 1 usr-1 usr-1 41779457 Jul 2 02:51 xampp-linux-1.4.14.tar.gz [usr-1@srv-1 Desktop]$ I’m talking bare metal here. Do I have […]
Compiling Built in Modules with Apache2
If you know exactly what modules you plan to use with a website, and you are sure you don’t need the flexibility of adding in those modules later, you can compile Apache with the modules built in. Here is the configuration statement for a minimal Apache compile with server side includes. This was for an […]
Redirecting a Web Page With Javascript
If you need to redirect a web site, just put the following html in place of the page you want to redirect: <head> <script type=”text/javascript”> <!– setTimeout(‘Redirect()’,2000); function Redirect() { location.href=’’; } //–> </script> <html> <body> This site is no longer located here. <br /> You will be redirected in 2 seconds. Please update your […]
Using SSI and Javascript to Report Client IP Address
To set a variable to the remote IP address of the client, use this: var ip = ‘<!–#echo var=”REMOTE_ADDR”–>’; Apache needs the include module either loaded or compiled in. Also, these options need to be specified in httpd.conf: AddHandler server-parsed .shtml AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml Options Includes Check out this page for more information about SSI.
Geronimo Initial Install
Geronimo is an open-source, certified J2EE server. The installation is really quite simple. The first thing we did was to make sure we had the latest Sun JDK from here and got rid of our included GCC Java: # rpm -e java-1.4.2-gcj-compat- # rpm -e gcc-java-3.4.3-22.1 [root@srv-1 java]# ls jdk-1_5_0_05-linux-i586-rpm.bin jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.rpm jre-1_5_0_04-linux-i586-rpm.bin [root@srv-1 java]# chmod […]
Using Magic Quotes in PHP to Convert Quotes From Files
To load up a variable with the contents of a file with PHP, you can use this command: $filecontents=file_get_contents(“path to file”); One problem is that we had for this in our application was quotes. The text in the file had both ‘ and “. Magic quotes automatically convert quotes to escaped quotes so that when […]
Using XAMPP for Cross Platform GNU/Linux Mac OS X PHP/MySQL
We wrote about the XAMPP project in this article. This project is perfect for maintaining a cross platform dev environment for an application we are currently working on. Most of the work is done on OS X, but we also do some work on GNU/Linux. Further, the target audience for this may very well use […]
Match on Field Contents with PHP/MySQL
If you wish to search for a match within a field, rather than matching the entire field with a MySQL query, you can use LIKE. Here is an HTML page that will display an input box on a form: <html> <head> <title>Search</title> </head> <body bgcolor=”white”> <form method=”POST” action=”search.php”> <table> <col span=”1″ align=”right”> <tr> <td><font color=”blue”>Search […]
Changing Images on Mouseover with JavaScript
I was digging around, trying to find out, what, exactly, was needed to change a graphic on mouseover. I knew that this was a JavaScript function, and figured I could find some easy docs on how to do this. Perhaps I’m slow, but most of the scripts out there were a bit too convoluted. True, […]
Capturing Selected Text with JavaScript
Here is a way to capture text that is selected within a textarea box. As with this article, I have only included what is necessary for the script to function on a recent browser like IE or Mozilla/Firefox. For an example of how to do this outside a textarea box with even more stringent browser […]
How to Redirect After HTML Output With PHP and JavaScript
You can’t use PHP to change the header information with the header function after HTML output has begun. If you do, you will get an error like: Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by … What you can do, midstream, though, is use a meta tag: echo “<meta http-equiv=’Refresh’ content=’0; URL=location.php?date=”.$date.”‘>”; This […]
Passing Variables Between PHP and JavaScript – Full App
Here is a single PHP/HTML script that will read a journal entry from a MySQL database, show the entry on the current web page, and add selected text from the displayed web page into the appropriate category choosen with buttons that have cool mouseover effects. The plum of this code is the use of the […]
Upgrading Apache With Compiled-in Modules
See this article for information on compiling Apache with compiled-in modules. We find that this works well in some cases. The big problem, though, is you have to be very careful that you don’t break your website at upgrade time. There are some options to httpd that help with this. The -l option will list […]