We’ve compared many programs with each other and we noticed that vs Nagios is a popular comparison that many are looking to breakdown. Here’s our Analysis of the two network monitoring giants.
PRTG vs Nagios XI for Network Management & Bandwidth Monitoring
/ October 4, 2023 — MonitoringThe Best Network Security Software & Frameworks for Pen-testing & Vulnerability Assessment
Finding Vulnerabilities and Exploits/Holes in your network infrastructure should be something you Do before a Hacker finds them – We’ve highlighted the Top Tools for Network Security Assessment, Vulnerability Scanning and much more!
Zabbix vs Nagios Comparison for Network and Bandwidth Monitoring
/ November 10, 2023 — MonitoringGenerally speaking, one can break down the life-cycle of a Network into three parts: Design Implementation/Configuration Support/Maintenance Network Monitoring falls under the 3rd part of this life-cycle. It allows you to keep an eye on the devices in your network (routers, switches, servers, applications, etc.) so that you can take appropriate actions in the event […]
WordPress Security and Available Plug-ins
WordPress is one of the most popular website platforms for bloggers and businesses as of 2017. It is easy to use and flexible as well as highly supported by developers and designers, but its security should also be considered. WordPress Security Issues It is a sad fact that a great many websites have been hacked […]
TCP and UDP Service Listing
Here is a text version of /etc/services that might be useful for determining whether a port is being used by a trojan, etc: TCP and UDP Service Listing
Adding an IP Address to an Interface With Red Hat and CentOS
There is some apparent voodoo on what, exactly, is needed to add an IP address to an interface using Red Hat style scripts. We have tested this on Red Hat Enterprise 3 and CentOS 4, and it appears that the convention is quite forgiving. This makes sense, really, since if you hose up these interfaces, […]
Changing the IP Address on a Cisco Router With an IP Conflict
If you wish to bring up a Cisco router that has an IP address that conflicts with existing hosts on your network, there are a variety of ways to change it. We just happened to have a crossover network cable sitting on our work bench, and a GNU/Linux host on the LAN with an extra […]
Using OS Identification with Nmap
Nmap can be used to fingerprint operating systems. Here is a typical session: [root@srv-1 usr-1]# nmap -O –min_rtt_timeout=6000 Starting nmap 3.70 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2006-05-05 12:49 PDT Interesting ports on (The 1656 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed) PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh 111/tcp open rpcbind 6000/tcp […]
Tunnelling Through a Gateway With SSH
Here is a diagram of three servers: What we want to do is create a tunnel with SSH so that can go directly to There is no routing between the networks. The box in between is dual-homed and acting as a security buffer between the 10.50.100 and 10.50.101 networks. After we set up […]
Maximum Number of Sockets and FD_SETSIZE
There is a limit on the number of concurrent socket connections that an application can accept in BSD, Windows, and other operating systems. This is set at compile time, but it can be overridden. Here is a discussion of this limitation by Microsoft, and here is further discussion. One application that is sticking this on […]
Remote Console Server and Web Administration Tool for NT
Two very useful remote administration tools are the Remote Console Server and the Web Administration tool. Both of these tools come on the NT 4.0 Server resource kit CD. To install the Remote Console, go into control panel -> network -> services tab -> add -> remote access service, and point to the ..\..\netadmin\rconsole directory […]
Installing and Using Telnet Service for Windows NT
[Ed. Note: This is a wee bit dated. SSH is widely available for Windows now, and should be used instead of telnet for administration. Still, telnet can be handy for testing. For an updated version of this for Windows 2000, see this article.] We wrote a tip about using IIS and rconsole to remotely manage […]
Windows 2000 Terminal Services/Administration
With Windows 2000 terminal services, it is quite a bit easier to administer your servers remotely. Make sure you have terminal services installed. We chose the option to use terminal services for administration only. On the server side, format a couple of diskettes. Run Start>Programs>Administrative Tools>Terminal Services Client Creator. You will see a screen like […]
Using Rdesktop To Access Windows Terminal Services From A GNU/Linux Client
We usually use VNC to administer our Windows servers from our GNU/Linux workstations. Rdesktop allows you to access Terminal Services natively from GNU/Linux. This is a lot easier than running the Terminal Services client from Vmware like we did in this article. Sheeesh… 🙂 We grabbed version 1.2.0 of rdesktop from here. While you are […]
Fix Slow SSH Login Time
If your login times are really high, it may be that reverse DNS is not working correctly. We have an ISP whose DNS servers sometimes don’t respond to reverse DNS queries. It was a bit of a puzzle because it has worked for a long time. Our hunch is that the recent DOS attacks have […]
IPC$ Security Trick
It is possible to establish a security context with another domain by using the net use command. Syntax: net use \\<server name>\IPC$ /USER:<domain>\<account> Explanation: If you want to manage the Booky domain, with a PDC called Kooky, and you had an administrative account on Booky called bookadmin, you could use: net use \\kooky\IPC$ /USER:BOOKY\bookadmin you […]
TCPDump Lab
We picked up a DEC Alpha Multia cheap at auction a couple years ago. We will use this multia to dump the network traffic that NT creates on boot using TCPDump. The first problem we had was that our Multia is not Y2K compatible. Many of our files ended up with dates of 2019, and […]
NIMDA Scanner
Free NIMDA Scanner checks for known NIMDA worm files (admin.dll, load.exe, readme.exe, etc.), checks your system.ini, and remotely checks “Administrators” group for “Guest” account. Click here to download. [Beware of running free programs that scan for viruses… better look that gift horse in the mouth. 🙂 Ed.]
Nmap Port Scanner
Nmap is a free port scanner you can use to audit your own network and ensure the security of your hosts from outside your firewall as well. It is also entirely likely that your external interfaces are being scanned at this very moment with Nmap, or tools like it. One cool thing about Nmap, is […]
Baseline Security Analyzer
Do check out the Baseline Security Analyzer tool from Microsoft. Just download the MSI package from the page and install it with a shortcut on the Desktop (default). We ran it against a fresh Windows 2000 install with just SP2 installed. Here is a screenshot of the results. We are alerted to many security issues. […]