In addition to using the GUI to create accounts and groups, the command line can be used. This is often useful when automating server setup or recovery.
net user jsmith tempword /ADD /FULLNAME:”John Smith” /COMMENT:”Accounting Manager”
net localgroup “Accounting Local Resource Group” /add /COMMENT:”Payroll and A/R Files”
net group “Accounting Members” /ADD /COMMENT:”Members have access to Payroll and A/R Files”
net localgroup “Accounting Local Resource Group” “Accounting Members” /ADD
net group “Accounting Members” jsmith /ADD
The above lines will create a user, local groups, global groups, and assign the user to the global and the global to the local.
To see what users have accounts on the server, enter “net user”.
To see what global groups exist on the server, enter “net group”.
To see what local groups exist on the server, enter “net localgroup”.
For a quick and dirty user list, you could route the output to a file by entering “net user > userlist.txt”.
For more info, enter “NET HELP” to list commands and “NET HELP [command]” to list options for specific commands.