J2SE 5.0 includes monitoring. For more details on management of Java-based systems, see this article. The JDK 5.0 includes a tool called JConsole that will provide performance information. In this article we will use JConsole to monitor a Geronimo server. The first step is to call the jar file for the app you want to monitor with the management options:
[root@srv-1 gerdir]# java -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -jar bin/server.jar Booting Geronimo Kernel (in Java 1.5.0_05)... Starting Geronimo Application Server [*****************] 100% 30s Startup complete Listening on Ports: 1099 RMI Naming 1527 Derby Connector . . . |
We now start jconsole, using the same userid used to start the process we wish to monitor:
[root@srv-1 ~]# jconsole |
We choose the JVM we want to monitor:
Here are some screenshots that give you an idea of JConsole’s capabilities:
For more information on JConsole, see this document.