First, we want to remove all the RPM stuff. A general note here. We are removing the RPMs, because we want to write all of the articles from the perspective of a generic Linux distribution as much as possible. True, we rely on the default file structure and general layout of Red Hat; however, by […]
Sendmail Installation and Initial Configuration
Automated email of attachments
It is quite easy to email security or traffic reports automatically. We will use mpack, sendmail, and cron, but certainly the techniques could be combined with other utilities. The challenge with emailing files is that you have to encode the attachments into the email message using MIME. For the nitty gritty on MIME, see […]
Clean up spam with Pine
Outlook is nice and all, particularly when dealing with, oh, 90 percent of the email clients out there. The same thing that makes it nice, also makes it insecure. Some of the email accounts we monitor have been quite public, and receive not only a lot of spam, but also a lot of viruses. If […]
Masquerading with Sendmail
If you have a sendmail server that has a hostname that isn’t resolvable, you may need to masquerade as a different host. This is often the case if you are running sendmail on your internal workstation. We also ran into this while bringing up a Squirrel Mail web based mail system. Simply add these lines […]
Update those Sendmail DNS Blacklists
All of the DNS blacklists we used a couple years ago are defunct. There are, however, a slew of new DNS-based blacklists that can help protect your users from spam. Understand that with any blacklist there is a chance that legitimate email will be blocked. Balancing this against the cost and annoyance of spam is […]
Formmail abuse
Make sure that you are not running an old version of Check your cgi-bin directory to make sure. Even though the fix for formmail has been out since last August, we are still getting scanned for this on our webservers. Old versions of can be used to send spam. For more info, check […]
Reading winmail.dat Attachments
If you are using an email client besides Outlook (gasp!), you have most likely run into the attachment winmail.dat. Supposedly this can be prevented on the client side by sending mail in plain text; however, this doesn’t appear to work with attachments. We ran across a cool utility at Fentun that will extract attachments out […]
UNIX and Outlook Express Interoperability
The MIME on Outlook Express seems to be broken. We have seen several instances where Outlook Express users cannot read Email sent by UNIX Email clients. The message is garbled with lots of question marks and other random characters. We have had this problem here at, since we use Linux Office Suite 99 for […]
Landmark Washington Spam Case Victory
As you may or may not know, Washington State has a spam law that forbids deceptive email practices. For more info on this law see this area of the Attorney General of Washington’s website. Well, a landmark case regarding this law has just been decided. We put a copy of the release up on NetAdminTools […]
Test SMTP (email) via Telnet
One good trick to use when testing your email server is to use telnet. To send email, you can just telnet into the destination email server directly: u-1@srv-1 u-1 $ telnet 25 Trying… Connected to Escape character is ‘^]’. 220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.12.9/8.12.9; Thu, 12 Jun 2003 10:06:19 -0700 helo […]
Osirusoft Is Blocking All Hosts
Due to DDoS attacks on Osirusoft, Osirusoft decided to reject all. So, if you are using Osirusoft to block spam, stop! Well, hats off to the valiant efforts of Osirusoft. Can’t really blame them for their reaction to this world of shit. The beautiful thing is that sysadmins and others in our community will find […]
Using Watch-maillog To Reduce Spam Chatter
It is truly amazing how many resources are taken up on a server by other rogue boxes searching for an open relay, or simply sending dictionary attempts at finding local users. Watch-maillog is a perl script that uses IPtables to block mail servers that abuse your server. Watch-maillog helps with this by blocking servers that […]
Setting Reply-to Address in Pine
We often need to mail brief messages from servers to send config files, or quick messages to other sysadmins. Pine works well for this, and the installation is mostly a single binary. We usually are logged in on some account that isn’t the email address we wish replies to come to. It turns out that […]
Adding an Alias to Postfix
If you simply want to make a mailbox receive mail for another address, just add the full address to /etc/postfix/virtual: [root@srv-2 postfix]# cat virtual usr usr anotherusr If we simply add this line to the bottom: anotherusr Mail that was was delivered previously via will be delivered in the same […]
Wadding up Spambots With Spiderkiller
Spiderkiller is a C program that will generate unique pages with random email addresses that will confuse harvesting bots. Compile the app: srv-5:~ usr4$ gcc spiderkiller.c -o spiderkiller spiderkiller.c: In function ‘main’: spiderkiller.c:299: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘strlen’ The options are simple: srv-5:~ usr4$ ./spiderkiller -help Usage: spiderkiller [-help] [-n ] [-k […]