Create a configuration file like this:
[ req ] default_md = sha1 default_bits = 2048 distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name encrypt_key = no string_mask = nombstr x509_extensions = req_ext UID = netadmintools UID_default="" [ req_distinguished_name ] commonName = commonName_default = WebID for NetAdminTools Webmaster [ req_ext ] subjectKeyIdentifier = hash subjectAltName = critical,@subject_alt basicConstraints = CA:false extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth nsCertType = client [ subject_alt ] URI.1="" |
Run this command to create your certificate:
openssl req -new -batch -days 3650 -config config.txt \ -out webid.pem -extensions req_ext -x509 -keyout webid.pem |
You should see something like this:
Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key .............................................+++ ..........+++ writing new private key to 'webid.pem' ----- |
Verify the certificate:
openssl x509 -in webid.pem -noout -text |
The output should look like this:
Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: . . . Subject: CN=WebID for NetAdminTools Webmaster Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption . . . Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) . . . X509v3 Extended Key Usage: TLS Web Client Authentication Netscape Cert Type: SSL Client Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption |
Run this command:
openssl rsa -in webid.pem -modulus -noout |
You will need this for your rdf file:
Modulus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|
This is what the foaf.rdf file for looks like:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:cert="" xmlns:foaf=""> <foaf:Person rdf:about=""> <foaf:name></foaf:name> <foaf:givenname>NetAdminTools</foaf:givenname> <foaf:family_name>Webmaster</foaf:family_name> <foaf:nick>netadmintools</foaf:nick> <foaf:homepage rdf:resource=""/> <foaf:depiction rdf:resource=""/> <cert:key> <cert:RSAPublicKey> <cert:modulus rdf:datatype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cert:modulus> <cert:exponent rdf:datatype="">65537</cert:exponent> </cert:RSAPublicKey> </cert:key> </foaf:Person> </rdf:RDF> |
Create a certificate to import into your browser:
openssl pkcs12 -export -clcerts -name "WebID for NetAdminTools" -in webid.pem \ -inkey webid.pem -out webid.p12 |
You’ll be asked for a password that will give you some protection while the cert.
Enter Export Password: Verifying - Enter Export Password: |
Import the cert into your browser. On Chrome it is in settings/advanced settings/manage certificates/your certificates/import. On Firefox it is in preferences/advanced/encryption/view certificates/import. On the iPhone (I’m using iOS 6.0.1), just email yourself the cert and open it. You can then import it:
To test out the profile, go to a site that supports WebID. One good site is MyProfile. You will get
Here is what the profile looks like: