Here is a Lua script we put together that measures the latency of a web host, the time to resolve the host, and the time to retrieve a page:
-- time to resolve host, time to ping host, time to get host/page print ("\"page name\",\"host latency ms\",\"dns resolve ms\",\"page receive ms\"") -- fromCSV from function fromCSV (s) s = s .. ',' -- ending comma local t = {} -- table to collect fields local fieldstart = 1 repeat -- next field is quoted? (start with `"'?) if string.find(s, '^"', fieldstart) then local a, c local i = fieldstart repeat -- find closing quote a, i, c = string.find(s, '"("?)', i+1) until c ~= '"' -- quote not followed by quote? if not i then error('unmatched "') end local f = string.sub(s, fieldstart+1, i-1) table.insert(t, (string.gsub(f, '""', '"'))) fieldstart = string.find(s, ',', i) + 1 else -- unquoted; find next comma local nexti = string.find(s, ',', fieldstart) table.insert(t, string.sub(s, fieldstart, nexti-1)) fieldstart = nexti + 1 end until fieldstart > string.len(s) return t end require("cURL") require("socket") while (6 < 9) do file_config = assert("config.csv", "r")) for line in file_config:lines() do t = fromCSV(line) os.execute("ping -c 1 "..t[2].." | grep round > ping_result.txt") file_ping = assert("ping_result.txt", "r")) line=file_ping:read() if line == nil then ping_time="no response" else start=string.find(line,"/",32) ping_time=string.sub(line,33,start-5) file_ping:close() end begin_time=socket.gettime() master= socket.dns.toip(t[2]) if master ==nil then dns_time=("can't resolve") else dns_time=(socket.gettime()-begin_time) file_page ="mcjk", "w") c = cURL.easy_init() c:setopt_url("http://"..t[2]..t[3]) begin_time=socket.gettime() c:perform({writefunction = function(str) file_page:write(str) end}) page_retrieve_time=(socket.gettime()-begin_time) file_page:close() end print (string.format ("\"%s\",\"%.0f\",\"%.4f\",\"%.3f\"" ,t[1],ping_time,dns_time,page_retrieve_time)) end file_config:close() end |
The CSV file has this format:
Front Page,,/index.html Keywords Page,,/index.html Search Page,,/index.html |
Here is an example using the CSV file above:
srv-8:lua usr4$ lua w.lua "page name","host latency ms","dns resolve ms","page receive ms" "Front Page","77","0.0005","0.492" "Keywords Page","133","0.0004","0.556" "Search Page","127","0.0003","0.443" "Front Page","70","0.0002","0.374" "Keywords Page","100","0.0001","0.554" "Search Page","113","0.0001","0.599" "Front Page","135","0.0001","0.507" "Keywords Page","96","0.0002","0.543" "Search Page","104","0.0001","0.543" "Front Page","65","0.0001","0.378" "Keywords Page","126","0.0000","0.557" "Search Page","110","0.0000","0.549" . . . |
Run this out to a text file and open in Excel to get a spreadsheet of the resulting times:
srv-8:lua usr4$ lua w.lua > out.txt |