To generate a detailed hardware configuration report that includes whether or not your hardware is on the hardware compatibility list, there is a utility you can use called NTHQ.
First, you must create an NTHQ diskette that you can use to reboot the machine with. Put a floppy that you can overwrite in your floppy drive. On the NT CD-ROM, go into the Supporthqtool directory and execute the Makedisk batch file. This batch file will automatically create a bootable floppy with the hardware inventory software on it.
Now, shutdown NT and restart with the floppy in the drive. Make sure your BIOS is set to boot from your floppy drive first rather than your hard disk. The NTHQ program will automatically start and create a RAM disk to store its compressed programs on. It will prompt you twice: once to continue with the program, and once to choose whether or not you want comprehensive discovery.
When the program is finished finding your devices, you can browse around the different categories of devices with a GUI interface. Push the save button to save the report. It will prompt you for a destination drive. Go ahead and pick the floppy disk to save the report to. NTHQ will save the report to nthq.txt.